Hemorrhoids cream is a pharmaceutical, which is used to help in shrinking swelling of irritated hemorrhoidal tissues. Hemorrhoids or Piles is caused due to inactivity and constipation. The bowel is often exerted in most cases, which leads to this problem. The treatment can be internal or external or both depending on the level of the problem. When both occur they are referred to as mixed hemorrhoid. Creams are the external methods for treating Hemorrhoids. They can be used at the advice of the physician and are commonly used without prescription too. Often these creams are available with herbal extracts like witch Hazel Compress or Cream. This is made from the leaves and bark of a plant called Hamamelis virginiana. It is applied topically to the anal area in the form of witch hazel distilled liquid, ointment, or medicated pads. It helps to relieve pain, itching and swelling and other problems associated with hemorrhoids. Do you need a reason use hemorrhoids cream?There are many benefits of hemorrhoids cream like-1. It helps to curb swelling of irritated hemorrhoidal tissues. 2. It also gives immediate and temporary relief from the painful burning, itching and discomfort of hemorrhoids. How is it applied?It is applied by cleansing the affected area, by patting or blotting with a cleansing tissue. Hemorrhoid cream come in varieties from analgesic or anesthetic, homeopathic or herbal to hydrocortisone, and also comes in the form of cream or foam. Some reasons why hemorrhoids cream should not be used-1. Hemorrhoids cream is a pharmaceutical and not a cosmetic. It has been heard that models often use this cream in the morning to get rid of puffy eyes. This has led to a boost of demand for such products at pharmacies. Beauty and health magazines in the U.S. have been advising the same for getting rid of puffy eyes problem. But the use of this cream near the eye area can lead to problems of the eye and infections.2. Hemorrhoids cream should not be used for removing facial moles. It only helps in rashes and inflammation due to swelling of hemorrhoidal tissues.For more information visit: http://www.venapro.com/?aid=124197
natural way to heal your hemorrhoids http://treatmentforhemorrhoidsnaturalcream.blogspot.com